Why choose Betatron?
Since 1974 Betatron guarantees maintenance and repair service in real time of electric motors D.C. and A.C., brushless and vector of any size, of any power and brand, present on the market.
A multibrand spare parts warehouse, constantly replenished, together with specialized technicians are the best guarantees offered to our customers. A 40-year experience in the field of machine tools and in key industrial applications ensure an immediate response to any emergency. In practically no time, engines are given back completely overhauled, with an accurate assistance service and warranty.
After forty years experience in the most diverse industrial fields, we can say that we are prepared and and ready to face any setback. Thanks to the success acquired in the field of motors, the timing and the effectiveness of our maintenance service, we are recognized by our customers as an essential partner in the management of maintenance and of machine downtime, linked to failures and wear of the electric motors of any size, power and brand.
We combine the repair of the motors with the careful listening and study of customer’s needs, in an attempt to optimize performance, reducing wastage and risks of sudden failures. We intervene on mechanical parts, electrical and electronic equipment, appropriately adapting them to customer needs, providing accurate advice on the choice of the model, depending on the type of application required.